
Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2019

Invech – Licensed Crypto Exchange & Blockchain Smart City

INVECH Group is a partnership put together by an extensive group of businesses and experts from Malaysia, Hong Kong, China, Indonesia and Timor Leste. Invech Cryptocurrency Exchange is a cryptocurrency exchange spearheaded by Invech Group. We have our own platform tokens called Invech Coins or IV which runs on the ERC20 platform. Licensed and endorsed directly from the Timor Leste Government, our license covers the whole blockchain and cryptocurrency framework, including cryptocurrency exchanges, ICOs, mining farms, blockchain solutions and etc. It is also the first blockchain / cryptocurrency service coming out of Timor Leste. The Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, or East Timor in English, is the 1st New Sovereign State of the 21st century. It is located in Southeast Asia, with a population of around 1.3 million. Sharing borders with Indonesia, the sovereign state comprises the eastern half of the island of Timor and several other nearby islands. The country restored its sov

BlockSafe Technologies : Securing the Blockchain Ecosystem

Blockchain cybersecurity company BlockSafe Technologies, has launched the presale round of their SEC compliant security token offering. The BlockSafe ERC-20 security token (BSAFE) is a revenue generating security token in full compliance with SEC securities regulations. “Our mission is an important one, $9 million is stolen each day from individual wallets and the fear that this lack of security fosters is the single largest obstacle to mass consumer adoption of cryptocurrencies and the technology behind them”, said CTO Ram Pemmaraju. “BlockSafe will secure the blockchain ecosystem. We recently launched our pioneering app CryptoDefender, and are now looking towards the future and securing both exchanges and private blockchains.” BlockSafe Technologies  is the only US-based company that secures the blockchain ecosystem from all angles: wallets, exchanges and private blockchain. Using a wide range of cybersecurity solutions, BlockSafe Technologies™ introduces stability to a vo

Auditchain – Decentralized Continuous Auditing & Reporting

Self-auditing state of a distributed ledger and the validation of transactions frst occurred on January 4, 2009 with the launch of the genesis block of the Bitcoin blockchain. Continuous audit is evolving in theory and practice. Its practice is limited mainly to internal reporting controls. The application of jurisdictionally compliant accounting treatment to transactions and reporting system risk controls occurring in most business processes is now theoretically possible concurrently within and subject to a decentralized continuous audit environment pursuant to SSAE 18 and IASE 3402 standards through the use of confgurable “Ricardian” type smart contracts. Such contracts, as proposed in this paper, do not hold custody of value but instead execute commands for how legal conditions and value are treated based on a fxed or evolving arrangement. Auditchain proposes to embody an ecosystem that includes a blockchain protocol and an open source library of accounting smart contracts sufc